C3 Reservations

Fully Configurable – Fully Automated

Dock scheduling

Intelligent planning — Automated scheduling — Real-time communication — Flexible reporting

Whether you’re a seasoned scheduler or just now realizing that your warehouse can no longer operate on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis, C3 Reservations will bring your dock operations to a higher level of productivity.

It's all part of our simple 4-step process

We've got you covered


Build constraints and rules against shipment attributes in order to respect your warehouse priorities. Establish a plan for each facility to determine who can deliver what, where, and when.

So, let’s assume you’ve built a plan. How are you going to take all these dock appointments and ensure they properly fit into your schedule without turning into a call center? C3 Reservations’ self-serve kiosk ensures that your carriers and vendors have 24/7 access to real-time availability at each of your facilities.

Instead of a first-come, first-serve concept, they are now restricted to the plan that you’ve setup. Now, you receive what you need, when you need it. This can all happen automatically. Any exceptions are channeled into a prioritized task queue ensuring you never miss anything.



Easily configurable custom shift templates to automatically manage the appointment requests, amendments and exceptions.

As a warehouse operator, you need to provide the business with the products they need, when they need them, at an effective labor cost. Before you can do this, you need to determine ahead of time what you are willing to accept and when. Otherwise these challenges can quickly become overwhelming. Planning is C3 Reservations’ specialty. You can build a plan for each warehouse that will dictate who can deliver which product, at which facility and in what time period. This ensures that your carriers and vendors will respect your priorities and limitations when they request their appointments.


Automate communication at all levels; by allowing suppliers/carriers/customers to request appointments via the web portal, event triggered email confirmations and real-time communication with other information systems.

Building a schedule cannot happen in a vacuum. While C3 Reservations’ self-serve kiosk eliminates all of the phone calls, emails and faxes involved with building a dock appointment schedule you still need to know that all parties are receiving the information they need. C3 Reservations allows you to broadcast information to the relevant parties as events occur in the form of system to system integration or automated emails. In addition, carriers or vendors can attach electronic documents (such as packing slips or bill of ladings) to each appointment. Now anyone involved in the appointment process can view the status and relevant details pertaining to the appointment at any time.


Monitor and improve your operations with real-time dashboards, scorecards and reports that help you enforce compliance and accountability

You can’t improve something you can’t measure, this is why C3 Reservations provides you with a wealth of information to monitor your operation. Real-time dashboards, operational reports and specialized reports such as vendor report cards, ensure that you have all of the information that allows you to manage your day-to-day operation and make your vendors and carriers accountable. In addition to standard reports and dashboards C3 Solutions’ dock appointment scheduling system provides access to a data-store that allows you to generate specific reports for your business.

You have challenges
We have solutions

Your Challenges
The C3 Solution


Manage your priorities

C3 Reservations ensures that all appointments respect your operations' constraints, priorities and service levels.


You decide who sees what in real-time – all the time!

C3 Reservations monitors and measures your operation with real-time and flexible reports.


Maximize your resources!

C3 Reservations' capacity model balances your dock workload so you can accurately plan your labor and equipment needs


Respect your partners - save time and $$!

C3 Reservations' self-serve portal provides your carriers with the flexibility they want while compliance and scorecarding ensure they respect the standards of your operations.


Unchain your scheduling team

C3 Reservations is a web-based scheduling system, available 24/7 that automates communication between all parties

We share our knowledge

Visit our resource center to explore the power or dock scheduling and yard management.