C3 Solutions Releases its F.O.O.D. Program Article Discussing Inventory Issues Brought on by Grocery E-commerce

The second F.O.O.D. Program article released by C3 Solutions, The Nightmare on Inventory Street: How Out-of-Stocks Hurt your Business and how to Overcome the Issue, brings to light the issue of misrepresentation between in-store inventory and online offerings. This article provides solutions on how retailers can equip themselves to fulfill online and in-store customers who are all shopping from the same stock.
The C3 Solutions F.O.O.D. Program is dedicated to specifically support food and grocery industry leaders in their quest to becoming globally recognized as the cream of the crop. C3 understands that the grocery game is changing and in order to lead the pack, companies need strong and optimized operations.
For the last 20 years, C3 Solutions has dedicated its efforts to elevate operations through tailor-made and powerful Yard Management & Dock Scheduling technological platform.
“These expectations, the volume, and constant growth are adding complexity to the business model, and creating the need for more sophisticated supply chain management. For companies in the grocery and food sectors, an out-of-stock (OOS) situation means customers will go elsewhere to shop; and ‘elsewhere’ means the competition gets the sale.” – Greg Braun, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing
The article can be downloaded here:
About C3 Solutions
C3 Solutions is an information technology company specialized in yard management (YMS) and dock scheduling (DSS) systems. Since its founding in 2000, C3 has gained the confidence of clients around the world and across many industries including retail, grocery, distribution, manufacturing and parcel post.
Headquartered in Montreal (QC), Canada and privately owned, C3 is dedicated to developing, implementing and supporting the most complete yard management and dock scheduling products on the market today. www.c3solutions.com