C3 Solutions’ Latest White Paper Focuses on SaaS Supply Chain Management Systems

C3 Solutions, an information technology company specialized in yard management and dock scheduling systems announces the release of its latest White Paper entitled SaaS Supply Chain Management Systems.
Can you trust cloud-based supply chain systems?
This is a question one needs to answer when deciding to upgrade or adopt new software.
This white paper explores arguments in favour and against using SaaS supply chain systems with the goal of offering benchmarks related to:
- Cost
- Security
- Functionality & Features
- Vendor Selection
”To take advantage of the bottom-line opportunities afforded by running a connected, integrated business it is important to both understand and leverage the new technologies that are now available. SaaS is one good example, and we are confident that there will be many more to come.’’, states author Gregory Braun, Senior Vice-President, Sales & Marketing.